5 Things You DON'T Do At a Wedding

Will Ferrell saying, "don't do this."

A couple's wedding is one of the most important days of their lives together. This is a day they will look back on throughout the many years of their marriage. And you don't want one of their reflections to be you acting a fool. So to avoid humiliating yourself, here are some helpful DONT’s when you attend a wedding!


1. DON’T Complain to the Bride

Upset woman saying, "there's nothing to complain about."

Like most of these points, I would hope for your sake, that this is common sense.  But in case it isn't, here we go! The bride is not your life-sized complaint jar, she is not the HR of her own wedding. So what, your mashed potatoes were a little cold. So what, you're not sitting with your favorite third cousin, and so what, the DJ isn’t letting you boogie to ‘Cotton Eyed Joe.’ It is not the bride's fault, and you are not here to stress her out with your critiques. This day is about the couple and them deciding to commit their lives to each other, it is not about you, and complaining to them is in very bad taste. They spent a lot of time, and money, planning this wedding for their guests. So put a smile on your face, and be grateful that you were invited to celebrate this special day with them.


2. DON’T get Sloppy Drunk

Woman drinking wine out of a oversized wine glass

Now we all love to have a good time at a wedding. I mean hey, it’s a celebration! But no one should be trying to pull you off a table, as you belt out your rendition of ‘Livin on A Prayer.” You are not there to take attention away from the couple. It's a wedding, not a frat party! So make sure you watch what you're drinking, eat plenty of food, and drink plenty of water. It's okay to let loose a little and have fun, but be respectful and don't get sloppy drunk. 


3. DON’T Forget Dance Floor Etiquette

Ashton Kutcher dancing on the dance floor

This is something that probably does not cross many wedding guests’ minds. It’s okay to be anxious to get out there and show off your moves. But remember that most weddings adhere to a dance schedule. The newlyweds should be the first ones out on the dance floor, it's not called “First-Dance” for nothing. They usually do the first dance after the cocktail hour, so there's probably little chance of anyone ‘‘breaking it down” beforehand. But just in case the wedding you are attending has a different flow of events, it's best just to steer clear until the DJ announces it's time to boogie. That being said, don't try to dance during any father/daughter mother/son dances… just don’t do it. 


4. DON’T Dress Inappropriately

Snookie from Jersey Shore saying, "just sayin," with an attitude

Sometimes it can be hard to determine what qualifies as inappropriate, but if you just ask yourself some basic questions you should be able to figure it out! Is it white? Is it showing too much skin? Am I covered in feathers and sequins? Do I look like a cast member from Jersey Shore? If you answered yes to any of those questions, go back through your closet and find something else. Even if you know you will look amazing in your favorite going-out dress, remember, this is a wedding and not a club. This is about the couple, not you. You are not supposed to be the center of attention, so pick something simple, with an appropriate color, and hemline. Also, think about what kind of wedding it is, if it's an outdoor barn wedding, a maxi sundress is a great choice, but wouldn't be appropriate for a black-tie affair. And keep in mind some brides don’t go with traditional white, so try to avoid cream, blush, and champagne colors. 


5. DON’T Make a Big Announcement

Woman viewing her pregnancy test and finding out she is pregnant then sayin, "I'm pregnant!"

This is a major no-no, but one I have been seeing people still doing a lot lately. Maybe you feel like it's a perfect time to announce your pregnancy because your whole extended family is finally together. Or maybe you are feeling the love in the air and you are ready to take that next step with your long-time girlfriend. But please remember where you are… you are at someone else's special day! IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU BOO! Everyone should be congratulating and celebrating the newlyweds, don't take this attention away from them! Making a huge announcement at someone’s wedding is a very selfish thing to do. And I don't care if you asked the bride for permission, what is she going to say? You put her in a tough position, and she’s probably just too nice to say no, even when she really wants to. Just don’t do it, save it for another day. 


All this being said, just remember to keep in mind where you are and what you are celebrating. You are there to celebrate the love and commitment a couple has for each other. Think about how you would want your guests to behave and dress at your hypothetical wedding. As long as you are being respectful, and letting them have all the attention, you should be just fine. Now go have fun!