How To Plan A Wedding Menu

Dinner setting with a menu that has question marks on it

The food is one of the many highlights of a wedding! Of course, nothing is as important as the two of you celebrating your love. But… the food you serve throughout the day still plays a vital role in your guests' experience. Here are some pointers on how to plan your wedding menu.


Think about your Location

Wedding reception location with no guests present

Think about what makes the most sense for your venue. Our wedding was a backyard bbq wedding. So having people sit down and be served a 3-course meal by waiters didn't fit the aesthetic. So we opted for a food truck that served bbq buffet style. And if you are having a black tie affair with swans, crystal decor, and a 9-piece band, a bbq buffet with coleslaw and mac n' cheese might seem out of place. So stick with what seems to be the best pick for your venue. 


Know Guests’ Dietary Requirements/Restrictions

Woman grabbing an appetizer from a plate while sitting at a table

This is important! You need to know what your guests’ dietary restrictions are. The easiest way to find this out is to simply ask it on your invitations. Your invitations will ask if they have any dietary restrictions, and if you're offering dinner service, what meal they would like for dinner. This will help your caterer know if they need to make modifications to meals, or have completely different options for some guests at your wedding.  


Start with the BIG THREE:  Appetizer, Dinner & Dessert

Assortment of food including appetizers, dinner, and dessert

When it comes to planning the sustenance for your wedding, it is best to at least have three categories, appetizer, dinner, and dessert. Guests tend to complain when there isn't food early enough (no appetizer) or if they are still hungry after dinner (no dessert.) If you at least have the three main courses you should be all set when it comes to making hungry guests happy. 


Options…but not Overkill

Raw oysters sitting on a bed of ice

It's good to have options when it comes to your wedding menu. Generally, for dinner, people go with red meat, poultry, and fish options. But the more you tack onto that, the more complicated the choice becomes for your guests. And also the bigger the expense. Even though you absolutely ADORE raw oysters, you may have many guests who don't. And that means a lot of oysters are going to waste. Now that doesn't mean you should sacrifice what you and your partner love, it is your day after all! But maybe just pick one thing that's your absolute favorite (that delicious smoked salmon appetizer, or that yummy creme brulee) to put on the menu. But make sure to limit the choices for each course to a few things so it's easier on your guests and your wallet.


Think Outside The Meals

Glasses of strawberry lemonade

We all know appetizers, dinner, and dessert are important, but you don't have to stop there! There are plenty of extra goodies you can add to your reception. You can do late-night snacks with a variety of salty and sweet options. You can serve some refreshments at the ceremony, think strawberry lemonade, or blueberry tea! The options when it comes to food fare are really endless.


Following these pointers will ensure your guests are happy and all bellies are full!