Tips to Stay on Budget with Your Wedding

Couple planning out their finances together

Let's face it, weddings can be expensive! And while we believe they should be looked at as a worthwhile investment, that doesn’t mean you have to frivolously dwindle down your bank account to ensure yours is a success. If you’ve been stressing about the overall cost of your wedding, then this article is for you. Here are some ways you can cut back on expenses, without sacrificing the quality of your big day! 


Set a budget and stick to it

Calculator and pen sitting on top of money

First and foremost, you need to know how much you can spend. Sit down with your partner, and anyone else contributing money to your wedding, and determine how much you are willing to spend. Once that number is set, it is important that all parties involved stick to it!



Mother in her wedding dress smiling at her daughter

Figure out what is most important to you and allocate your budget accordingly. For example, if you care most about the food and drink at your wedding, allocate more of your budget to those items.


Shop around & shop for deals

Pair of white wedding heels next to a flower bouquet

Take the time to shop around and compare prices for all of your wedding vendors. Don't be afraid to negotiate or ask for discounts.


Consider off-peak dates and times

Wedding photographer taking pictures of newlyweds

The most popular day of the week to have a wedding is on Saturday. Therefore, the laws of economics tell us that is going to be the most expensive day. Being flexible with what day you choose to have your wedding can lead to huge cost savings. It also gives you leverage to negotiate with different venues/vendors since they are more likely to not have a wedding on those days and would rather have a lower-cost booking than no booking at all. 


Have a smaller wedding

Group of wedding guests holding up champagne glasses with bride and groom to celebrate

Bigger is not always better. Aside from the cost savings, smaller weddings also have the ability to be more intimate and memorable. 


Do it yourself

Woman painting a wooden pallet

There is a handful of things you can do yourself to save money on your wedding. Are you crafty? Consider creating your own invitations and centerpieces. Love to cook? Consider making your own desserts in advance. Gardener? Maybe you could harvest your own floral arrangements. 


Consider alternative venues

Nicely decorated dinner table in front of a pool

The venue is oftentimes the most expensive part of a wedding. Instead of selecting a traditional venue, consider having it at a location that has special meaning to you, such as a family member's backyard or a local park.


Have a cash bar

Drink station with decor and drinks set up at a wedding

Open bars, while a great treat for your guests, can add up to be a big expense for your wedding. For the budget conscious, a cash bar or a limited selection of drinks that are free will be the better route to go.


Rent instead of buy

Assortment of vintage wedding decor

Consider renting items such as linens, chairs, and other decor rather than buying them. You’ll also be doing the environment a big favor!


Go digital

Blank wedding invitations and cards

The cost of printing and postage for each invitation can quickly add up. Using digital invitations can be just as effective. Even simple methods such as email or a group message/group invitation on Facebook will do the trick.  


Use your own music

Group of violinists playing the violin

Instead of hiring a DJ or live band, consider using your own playlist and playing it through a sound system. If you have a phone or laptop, you’re already halfway there. Beyond that, you’d just need a set of speakers and maybe a microphone (for the ceremony and speeches).


Consider alternative wedding attire

Instead of buying a brand new wedding dress, consider renting a dress or wearing a family heirloom. Similarly, consider having your bridesmaids wear dresses that they already own or that can be worn again in the future.


Don't be afraid to ask for help

Woman placing a cupcake next to other decorated cupcakes

If you have friends or family members who are talented in a particular area (such as photography, floral design, or baking), consider asking them to help with your wedding in lieu of a gift. This can help you save money and add a personal touch to your big day.