10 Things all Brides Should do the Week Before their Wedding

Wedding couple posing in between a wedding ring

The week before your wedding can be quite a stressful time. There are so many tasks to take care of, it can be hard to know where to start. Here is a simple list of duties you need to accomplish before your big day! 


Skincare & Sunscreen

Young woman in hat applying lotion to her face

Now is NOT the time to change up your skincare routine. The last thing you want to be doing is putting a bunch of brand-new products on your face against its will. This can lead to breakouts and skin irritation. Instead make sure you are washing your face twice a day with your usual cleanser and wearing your moisturizer. Make sure you also wear sunscreen. Every. Single. Day. Rain-or-Shine you need to be putting on at least SPF 30.


Manicure & Pedicure

Woman receiving a manicure

It’s time to get pampered! Your tips and toes need some much deserved TLC! Pick out a polish or nail style that goes with your dress, maybe a blue to fit with tradition? And sit back and relax! You can make this into a big trip with all your bridesmaids, or a nice relaxing time alone before the noisy excitement of your big day. Whatever you do, just make sure you make an appointment ahead of time. You don't want to be scrambling days before your wedding with chipped polish and flaky feet. 


Eyebrows Waxed

Woman receiving waxing services to her eyebrows

Another appointment you need to make ahead of time is an eyebrow (maybe even lip/chin) wax. Don’t do this too close to your actual wedding date however. Some people tend to be red for days or breakout after getting waxed. Depending on your skin's reaction, I suggest getting waxed about a week out from your wedding. Then a night or two before your wedding you can tweeze out any hairs that decide they want to come back out and see the light. 


Write Vows

Woman sitting down writing her wedding vows

If you haven't already done so, now is the time to write your vows! You don’t want to save it for the night before and be scrambling to just write something down and it ends up not being as sincere as your true feelings. Set aside some time to write throughout the week with no phone, no tv, no distractions. Or even go someplace like a coffee shop or library, someplace you can sit down and focus on getting your feelings for your spouse in pen on paper. 


Put Together Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Bride in her wedding dress holding flowers

Anything you can put together early the less stressed you will be the day of your wedding. The wedding day emergency kit is something you can put together a week (or even month before your wedding.) This will help you to feel more organized going into your wedding day. 


 Check-In with Bridesmaids 

Bride and her bridesmaids laughing together

Make a point to check in with all your bridesmaids at least once this week. It can be  a quick facetime or phone call. Just make sure their dress fits, they have the proper shoes, and accessories, and that they know when and where they are supposed to be the day before and the day of your wedding. This will save you a lot of stress the nights before your wedding 


Check-in with Vendors

Waiter carrying a plate of appetizers

Just like you did with your bridesmaids, it's time to check-in. If you have a wedding planner, this may not be a necessary step for you. But if you don’t, it's time to make some calls. Make sure your vendors are fulfilling the terms laid out in their contract and they know when and where to be for your wedding day. The day of your wedding you are going to be very busy and really won't have the opportunity to speak with your vendors. So make sure you go over any last minute details or questions you have with them.


Sleep and eat well

Alarm clock placed in front of a woman that is sleeping in her bed

This can definitely be easier said than done. But it’s going to be a very busy week. But try to check in with yourself and make sure you and your spouse are still getting enough sleep and eating well. This will ensure you wake up in a good mood and with the energy you need on your big day. 


Check-In with your (soon to be) Spouse

Last, but definitely the most important. It's time to check-in with each other. No doubt your week has been busy and perhaps stressful as you try to bring all the pieces of your months of wedding planning together. Take this time to make sure you are both in good spirits and are on the same page. Go out on a date and enjoy eachothers’s company before your exciting, but still probably a little chaotic, big day. 


We all know that even if you cross all your T’s and dot all your I’s there is still a chance that you forgot something. And that's okay! Some of the best moments from weddings are the ones where little mistakes were made or where something didn’t go “according to plan.” What matters is that you get to spend the rest of your days standing beside the love of your life!