Traditional Anniversary Gift Ideas for the First Five Years of Marriage!

Newly married couple cheering while walking down the aisle

If you are a couple who loves the fun of carrying on a tradition, then you’ll likely go with the (believed to be) old victorian way of gift giving. Each year, your anniversary gift should be made of a specific medium. These requirements can leave some couples puzzled when looking for a gift. So, here are some suggestions on what you can get your partner for the first five years of your wonderful marriage!


Year One: Paper 

Man writing a love letter with a pen and a rose next to the paper

Your first anniversary is an exciting time! It's your first anniversary and a huge milestone for a newly married couple. Your first anniversary gift should be made of paper. Now you can go the traditional card route, and your spouse will adore it. But, you can also think a little outside the box. Write your partner a love letter, or write little love notes in a paper envelope for them to read whenever they want. Or you can make them an origami paper rose bouquet. You can also have a print made of one of their favorite paintings. 


Year Two: Cotton

Older couple snuggling under a blanket

Luckily there are a lot of clothing items made of cotton. But you can also switch it up and get them a crocheted cotton blanket, something embroidered, and when in doubt, who doesn't love some Fruit of The Loom undies?!


Year Three: Leather

Assortment of leather wallets on a colorful backdrop

This one can go in all different directions! Leather is such a versatile medium. There are leather notebooks, leather jewelry, naughty leather gifts (if you both are into that,) wallets, keychains, duffle bags, purses, and furniture! The possibilities really are endless when it comes to this timeless textile! 


Year Four: Fruit and Flowers

assortment of tropical fruit and tropical flowers

Fruit and flowers can be a really fun one, where you can get a little more creative. You can buy your honey flowers or make them their favorite fruit-filled dessert. You can combine the two with a bouquet from edible arrangements or even be a little extra and plant a fruit tree in the backyard! 


Year Five: Wood

wooden picture frame

This one is my absolute favorite! There is something about the hardiness of things made of wood that I find classic and beautiful. You can gift them a beautiful wooden sculpture, that cutting board they have always wanted, a lovely wooden picture frame filled with a picture of the two of you, a wooden picture, or even a wooden clock. So many amazing gifts can be made out of wood!


So whether you have been married for one year or five I hope this serves you well. Just remember to go with something that suits your loved one and remember, it's always the thought that counts. Happy anniversary!