Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Red Emergency bag sitting next to a teddy bear with white hat

Most of us have been in a situation where we are desperately looking for either a pen or a hair tie and it's nowhere to be found. Realizing you need a household item that you simply don't have is very likely to happen on your wedding day. Here is an emergency kit you can pack, so you are ready for any situation.


Tweezers- Because you never know when that stray hair is going to appear on your upper lip, eyebrow, chin, or chest!

female having her nails filed during a manicure

Nail File/Clippers- No one wants a painful or jagged hangnail on their wedding day!

Bobby pins lying on table

Hair-tie/Bobby Pins- Hair emergencies happen throughout the night, and there might be a time when you or someone in your party will need a hair tie or bobby pin.

Black red and blue sharpies sitting next to each other

Pen/Sharpie- If you have to sign, label, or write anything down.

Hand holding a clothing steamer as it puffs steam out of the bottom of the steamer

Steamer- For those wrinkle-prone silk robes or dresses.

Lint roller on couch

Lint Roller- For Linda who has cat hair and fuzz on her 99% of the time. Or for those suits that attract debris. 

Hand holding a roll of double sided tape

Double-sided Fashion Tape- Sometimes alterations are still not quite right. 

Assortment of band aids

Bandaid- For unexpected cuts, or blisters from your shoes! 

Assortment of bobby pins

Safety Pins- For dress or tux snafus, safety pins can secure that broken clasp, button, or fix a hemline!

Container of gum sitting on a bed of mint leaves

Mints/Gum- Maybe you have been snacking on some yummy Triscuits while getting ready, and now you realize your first kiss will be garlic-flavored.

Black blue and red pair of scissors

Scissors- There will be a time when you need scissors. Whether it’s for cutting out those annoying loops on the inside of dresses, opening a package of something that's impossible to open, or cutting a stray flower or piece of fabric. Scissors are a must!  

Two rolls of duct tape

Duct Tape- Duct tape is a go-to! If part of your decor just won’t stay up, or you need to duct tape the inside of a hemline, or basically anything where you need to secure something in place!

One pair of pliers

Pliers- Okay I know this is starting to sound less like a ‘wedding kit’ and more like a ‘murder kit,’ but hear me out! Pliers are perfect for wrangling up a broken zipper, fixing some jewelry that has decided to fall apart, or any task where you need to get a good grasp on something.

ibuprofen capsules falling out of a white bottle

Antacids/Ibuprofen/Gas-Ex- You never know when heartburn, headache, or stomach problems will strike! 


Tissues- Have one of your bridesmaids bring these with her down the aisle. It's an emotional day and you might shed a tear, or ball your eyes out and become a sniffling mess!


Having these supplies with you will help ensure that you are prepared for any small emergency that comes your way! So whether it’s a wicked hangnail, a falling apart centerpiece, or a wrinkly dress, you will be able to go into your handy-dandy kit, fix the issue, and go about one of the best days of your life!