Wedding Guests Biggest Complaints

Wedding guests laughing and drinking

No one should ever be complaining to you about your wedding, but if you want to avoid your guests not having a good time, we got you! Here is a list of things that guests have said are their pet peeve and can turn a wedding from super to pooper!  


The Invitation Is Vague 

Wedding invitation on table setting

Guests need structure! They need to know who, what, when, and where. But there are some other details guests would appreciate knowing. It's slightly irritating receiving an invitation and still not getting some basic information about their wedding. Make sure you let guests know who is invited, especially if you are planning an 18+ wedding. The dress code is also a big one… whether casual or formal, it will help your guests navigate their wardrobe. And obviously where and what time to arrive!  


Long Wait Between Ceremony & Reception

Bride and groom dancing at their first dance

Guests do not like just waiting around. Many guests say they can't stand when the ceremony ends and the reception hasn't begun, so they are just standing awkwardly to the side while the couple takes pictures with their family. This is why it is important to have a cocktail hour. Have some appetizers and music playing so your guests can munch and mingle while they wait. To aid in this effort, try to have your reception and your ceremony in close proximity to each other.


No Assigned Seats

Seating area at wedding reception

Believe it or not, most guests like to be told where they are sitting. It takes away the awkward argument between your Great-Aunt Barb and Cousin Debbie about who is more deserving of sitting next to Great-Grandma Sue. Also, when you make the seating chart, be sure to put people who will talk to each other at the same table, this keeps guests from getting up during dinner and wandering around to all the tables and making the room feel chaotic.   


The Cash Bar

Drink assortment at wedding bar

You wouldn’t ask a guest to pay for a drink in your house, so you shouldn't do it at your wedding. When you invite someone to an event, there are certain expectations. One of those is the food and drink are included. If you don’t have the funds for a full bar, that's alright. Just make sure you have a good assortment of beer, wine, and champagne for guests to choose from. 


The Food

Wedding guests grabbing from a plate of appetizers

This is a big one! When going to a wedding I (and many others) always look forward to the delicious food. There is nothing worse than waiting around for dinner to be served and you get a freezing steak, a very small portion, or frankly something inedible. To avoid this, make sure you sample every dish your guests will be served before your wedding!


There is no guarantee that everything will go perfectly on your wedding day. And your guests will be happy just to be celebrating the love you have for each other. But if you want to avoid some dissatisfaction, make sure you plan ahead for these common guest complaints, and everything will be beautiful!