Skin Care Routine, Before the Big “I DO”

Woman applying lotion to her face

All women and men want to look their very best on their wedding day. Some want to look like that natural-beauty hippie in an indie flick. Others want to look like a glam goddess ready to slay the aisle. But no matter what your personal style is, it’s important to establish a good self-care/beauty routine months before your big day. Here are some Do’s (and Don'ts) for establishing and maintaining an effective beauty routine.


1.) Don't Procrastinate

Woman eating snacks saying, "I'll start tomorrow."

It is easy to put skincare aside as a “future problem,” especially if you already have so much on your plate. But don't underestimate the importance of getting a head start on your routine. Skincare is just like going to the gym, you won't see results right away, you have to stay consistent. Because you are putting unfamiliar products on your skin, it is normal to get breakouts in the first few weeks of trying a new routine. That doesn't mean that the new moisturizer isn't for you, your skin is just trying to get comfortable with the product. If all you have put on your face since you were 15 is your grandmother’s cold cream, don't expect your face to be able to handle that heavy-duty Retinoid right away. That is why you don't want to lather on the new creams, and serums the week before your wedding unless you want a bunch of new pimple friends to pop up on your face.


2.) Figure out your skin type and set a goal

woman applying moisturizer serum to her face

It is important to figure out what skin type you have, so you can set goals for what you want to change and achieve by your wedding day. Do you have oily/acne-prone skin, and you want to reduce redness and look ‘mannequin matte’ flawless on your day? Is your skin a small-scale model of the Sahara Desert, and you want to look like a dewy plump peach? Or are you a combo and want to get rid of a little texture and blackheads? Whatever your skin type, you need to know, so you can move forward on setting a goal and picking products that will help you achieve it. The easiest way to figure this out? GO GET A FACIAL! You get to be pampered and educated on what your skin is doing and things you can improve. Your esthetician will tell you what ingredients to look for, to achieve the look you want!


3.) Beauty from the inside out

Male news anchor guzzling a glass of water

There is nothing more telling of a person's lifestyle and health, than their skin. Skin is unforgiving, if you are a heavy smoker or only drink water in the form of fermented fruit, it's going to show all over your face. That is why it is important to start healthy habits well-before your big day! Hydrated skin is happy skin! Skin is the largest organ of the body, and the last one to receive the water we drink. It is key to start going crazy on the water! Yes, you might have to run to the bathroom ten thousand times a day, but your skin will be thanking you the whole way there. Also, water helps your metabolism run faster, so that diet and exercise you have been doing will get a little added boost from our friend H2O. 

Now, this might be a little controversial, but maybe let's not go TOO crazy on the drinks leading up to your big day? Alcohol consumption can leave your skin looking puffy, dull, and textured. I'm not saying don't have an amazing time at your bachelorette, but maybe not too many mai tais? And if you absolutely have to go crazy on your last single night out, remember to drink PLENTY of water in between those lemon drop shots!


4.) Take Care of what's already there

Female styling her eyebrows using her fingers

If buying a bunch of new skincare products isn't in your budget, I understand. There are simple things you can start doing that will make a noticeable difference on your big day. If you aren't already, make sure you wear sunscreen EVERYDAY. I know it's only 9 degrees and snowing outside, but that does not matter. Most sunscreens have UVB and UVA protection. UVA rays are the rays that cause aging, and those fluorescent lights in your office are full of them. UV Rays in general can penetrate through windows, so don’t think because you are inside all day, that you don't need sunscreen. Another way you can work on your skin, is by doing your own facial-muscle massages. There are countless videos online on how to pinch and pull your skin to massage the muscle and tighten up the face. Just make sure you have a nice slippery serum-soaked surface to work on. 


5.) Don’t Stress It

Oprah Winfrey saying, "It's gonna be okay, relax."

I know, I know, wedding planning can be stressful! But stressing over your mother-in-law for inviting your husband's creepy second cousin, twice-removed, is going to give you the most stressful thing of all, ACNE. Stress is one of the most common causes of acne. If you feel yourself getting stressed out, take some deep breaths, maybe meditate, listen to your favorite murder-mystery podcast, or make relaxing hot baths your new best friend! And if you can't help but get that awful breakout, don't worry! Put on a clearing mask, maybe a few pimple patches, and just let it be, stressing about it will just make it worse. But if you do have a breakout on your wedding day, it's nothing a good concealer can’t cover up! 


At the end of the day, your wedding is going to be a magical time, where you celebrate the love you and your partner have for each other. So just enjoy the journey, have fun, laugh a ton, and you will always be beautiful!

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