Destination Weddings: Things You Need to Know

Newly married couples first kiss at their destination wedding

You always daydreamed walking down a sandy aisle barefoot, staring into your fiance’s eyes with the crystal-clear ocean in the background. But then you snap out of it and remember you live in Kansas. Here are some things you need to know if you are toying with the idea of a destination wedding.


1. Invitations EARLY

Blonde haired woman saying, "You are all invited."

For most weddings, it is recommended to send wedding invitations out 4-6 weeks before the big day. But a destination wedding is a whole different ball game. You should send your invitations out 9-12 months before your wedding. I know that seems like a lot of time but just think, people need to find babysitters, book flights, book hotels, and may even need to apply for passports. It is also going to cost your guests a good chunk of change to come to your wedding, so you want to allot time for them to plan (and save), if needed. 


2. Do Your Research

Woman on cell phone saying, "I'm gonna look that up."

Depending on where you choose to get married, there may be some additional requirements needed to say “I do.” Some countries require you to be a resident, some may even need a blood test. And others require all documents submitted to be translated into the local language and authenticated. Do your research, that way you know what to expect. Also note that if you choose to be married in another country, you most likely still have to file for a separate marriage license here in the U.S. 


3. Headcount May be Low

Woman looking for her friends while holding a sparkler in the dark

Because of the long list of things your guests need to prepare (hotels, flights, etc.) you might find that the number of guests R.S.V.Ping is particularly low. That is okay and to be expected. It can be pretty cumbersome going to a destination wedding, and some people just might not be able to sacrifice their time and/or their money. Don’t stress it and just know it will still be a special time, even if only a few family/friends can make it. 


4. Wedding Decor = Whatever is Available 

Married couple walking down the aisle celebrating with wedding guests

You may have always imagined twinkling tea candles in mason jars lining the aisle , but you are getting married 4,253 miles away from home, and taking glass jars on a plane is not ideal. Most destination venues have their decor already picked out and options are limited. So try to be flexible when it comes to planning your wedding style. Chances are, if you chose to have a destination wedding, it's all about the scenery and views for you anyway. 


5. Planning x1000 

It can be time consuming and stressful planning a wedding in your own home town. With that said, now that you're deciding you want to get married in another state/country, you need to be prepared and get organized ASAP. Because you probably won't be there to oversee the progress of your wedding planning, it is important to stay organized and get in touch with your venue often. Make sure you thoroughly research vendors, and consider all options before booking them. Staying on top of things will make it less likely to have a day-of emergency. Also, make sure you are researching what the weather will be like, and go through a thorough back-up plan with your venue, in case any unforeseen conditions take place.


With all these things to consider, do remember that a destination wedding can be such a fun alternative to a traditional wedding. It is a chance for you, your partner, family, and friends to experience a new location and celebrate your love! Make sure you do your research, stay organized, and keep an open mind. Taking all these points into consideration will insure your wedding will be the adventure of a lifetime!